President: Susan Absher
Vice President of Publicity: Gail Cooper
Vice President of Programs: Nancy Nordin
Treasurer: Diane DeVincent
Secretary: Lee Doyle
Past President: Linda Smith
Community Outreach: Sue Grifor
Devine Raffle: Sheila Myers
E-mail Distribution: Lisa Willard
Facebook: Lisa Willard
Field Trip Coordinator: General Membership
Garden Maintenance: Kathy Blackburn and Janet Kinney
Garden Walk: Karol LaHaie and Diane DeVincent
Greeters: Millie Hulwicz
Historian: Anna Van Hyfte
Holiday Party: Susan Absher and Nancy Nordin
Hospitality Coordinator: Becki Franchock
Membership: Terri Hardick
Mentoring: Diane Pearson
Name Tags: Diane Craft
Newsletter: Jackie Swenson
Plant Sale: Lisa Hill
Scholarships and Teacher Mini-Grants: Linda Sturgeon
Social Media: Lisa Willard
Sunshine: Kathy Barker
Tea Time Group: Barb Amey
Yearbook: Brook Qualman
Website: Sue Tompkins